My name is Anthony Vo, and I’m a Computer Science major at the University of California, Irvine. This site is a database for all of my notes, whether it be from lectures, discussions, or readings. Thanks for checking out my page!
Geometric/Poisson Distribution
How to Analyze Video Games
Matrix Multiplication and Operations
Bernoulli/Binomial Distribution
Video Games and Worldbuilding
Linear Transformations and Functions
HTLS 3, Taiwan is in the Heart, Impossibility, Sadness, Enoughness
Linear Independence
HTLS 2, Asianness without Asians
Row Theorem and Homogeneous SLEs
Span Properties, Matrix-Vector Multiplication, and Matrix Equations
Conditional Probability
HTLS 1, Alienation, Metafiction, and Gender
Linear Combinations of Vectors