A basis is a linearly independent AND spanning set. They can be thought of as coordinates and a way to frame linear algebra into a coordinate system.
The best way to find a basis is to get a set of vectors and cut it down until the vectors are linearly independent.
Any subspace of Rn has a basis and any bases have the same number of elements. The dimension of a subspace (notated as dim(H)) is equal to the number of elements of a basis.
Q: What is dim(Rn)?A: dim(Rn)=n because {e^1,...,e^n,} is a basis.
Q: Is it true that dim(Span{v1,...,vn})=k is always true?A: No. It is only true if Span{v1,...,vn} is linearly independent.dim(Span{⎝⎛111⎠⎞,⎝⎛202⎠⎞,⎝⎛314⎠⎞})=?⎝⎛111202314⎠⎞→⎝⎛1002−203−21⎠⎞Because the matrix has a pivot in every row, the dimension of the span is 3.
Rank Nullity Theorem
Suppose we have an m x n matrix A where rank(A) = dim(Col(A)).THEOREM: dim(Nul(A))+rank(A)=nTHEOREM: The pivot columns form a basis for Col(A). Therefore, rank(A) is equal to the number of pivot columns.Also, dim(Nul(A)) is equal to the number of non-pivot columns or number of free variables.
To find the basis for the nullspace, you have to find the homogenous solution and get the free variables
A=⎝⎛14233462−1−8−3−1⎠⎞→⎝⎛1000100017319−7347−7327⎠⎞rank(A)=3,dim(Nul(A))=1A=⎝⎛101012100−321⎠⎞→⎝⎛10001210−1−324⎠⎞→⎝⎛10001010−1−320⎠⎞rank(A)=3,dim(Null(A))=1A=⎝⎛2460579−9−3−4−56−4−325894−6⎠⎞→⎝⎛20005−300−3200−45408−7−60⎠⎞rank(A)=3, where columns 1, 2, and 4 form the basis for our column space.dim(Nul(A))=2⎩⎨⎧2x1+5x2−3x3−4x4+8x5=0−3x2+2x3+5x4−7x5=04x4−6x5=0x3,x5 free→⎩⎨⎧x1=−61x3−1217x5x2=32x3+61x5x4=23x5x0=⎝⎛−61s−1217t32s+61ts23tt⎠⎞=s⎝⎛−6132100⎠⎞+t⎝⎛−1217610231⎠⎞