8.1: Sequences

  • Sequences are a type of function where the domain is a set of consecutive integers (such as 1, 2, 3, 4)
    • A value in a sequence is called a term, and its corresponding integer is its index
  • Sequences with a finite domain are called finite sequences, and they have an initial index and a final index whos corresponding terms are the initial term and the final term
  • Infinite sequences have an infinite domain
  • Sequences can be specified via an explicit formula which shows the value of the term ak depending on the value of k
  • Increasing sequences are ones where consecutive terms increase in value
  • Non-decreasing sequences are ones where consecutive terms either increase in value or remain the same
  • Decreasing sequences are ones where consecutive terms decrease in value
  • Non-increasing sequences are ones where consecutive terms either decrease in value or remain the same
  • Geometric sequences are sequences where each term after the initial one is found by multiplying the previous term by a fixed, common ratio
  • Arithmetic sequences are sequences where each term after the initial one is found by adding to the previous term by a fixed, common difference

8.2: Recurrence relations

  • A sequence whos rule defines its terms as a function of previous terms is called a recurrence relation
    • Recurrence relations can be used to define both arithmetic or geometric sequences (an = an-1 + d or * r)
    • The Fibonacci sequence is a famous sequence that attempts to predict the number of rabbits after a number of months
  • Dynamical systems are systems that change over time, and they can often be represented by recurrence relations due to the current state of the system being determined by previous states
    • Discrete time dynamical systems are ones where time is divided into time intervals and the state of the system remains the same inside of each interval

8.3: Summations

  • Summation notation is used to represent the sum of terms in a sequence
    • Example: image
  • i represents the index, s is the lower limit, t is the upper limit
  • The left side of the equation is the summation form and the right side of the equation is the expanded form
  • Can pull out the last term of a summation by subtracting one from the upper limit and adding it on to the end
    • Example: image
  • Guide on how to change variables in summations: image
  • A closed form for a sum is a mathematical expression/formula that represents the sum of a summation notation
    • Arithmetic: image
    • Geometric: image

8.4: Mathematical Induction

  • Steps to an inductive proof:
    • Base case: Prove that the smallest integer/initial term is valid
    • Inductive step: prove that if the theorem is true for an element in the domian k, then the theorem holds for k + 1
  • The principle of mathematical induction states that if the base case (for n = 1) is true and inductive step is true, then the theorem holds for all positive integers.
  • In the inductive step, in the statement that “if S(k) then S(k+1)”, the assumption that S(k) is true is the inductive hypothesis
  • Examples: image image