Matrices and More on Relations
ICS 6B Chapter 6.6-6.10
- 6.6: Matrix multiplication and graph powers
- 6.7: Partial orders
- 6.8: Strict orders and directed acyclic graphs
- 6.9: Equivalence relations
- 6.10: N-ary relations and relational databases
6.6: Matrix multiplication and graph powers
- A matrix is a 2d array with rows and columns; each element in a matrix is called an entry and each entry can be denoted by i, j where i is the row and j is the column
- A matrix is a square matrix if the number of rows and columns are the same
- An adjacency matrix can be created for a directed graph with n vertices; the matrix will have n rows and columns, and each entry will either be 1 or 0 if there is an edge from vertex i to vertex j
- You can apply mathematical operations onto a matrix
- A Boolean matrix is a matrix whose entries only contain elements from {0, 1}, and you can use Boolean addition/multiplication/whatever on entries of a Boolean matrix
- The product of two matrices, A and B, is well defined if the number of columns in A is equal to the number of rows in B
- To find A x B, take the dot product of a row of A and a column of B
- If A and B are n x n matrices, then the dot product is represented by the following equation: Ai, 1B1, j + Ai, 2B2, j + … + Ai, nBn, j
- Illustration:
- A matrix product, or AB, is found by taking the dot product of row i of matrix A and column j of matrix B
- Example:
- Continue the process throughout the matrix:
- Example:
- The kth power of a matrix is the product of k copies of A
- Ak = A * A * … * A, k times
- Can take the power of a matrix and apply it to the power of a directed graph
- Take a graph, G, and create an adjency matrix (A) for it
- Compute Ak
- Ak is the adjacency matrix for Gk
- The matrix sum of two matricies with the same number of rows and columns is calculated by adding each entry and calculating the resulting matrix
- Example:
- The matrix sum can be used to find the graph union between two graphs
- Example:
- Example:
- The transitive closure of a directed graph can be found by adding a matrix’s powers up to its number of vertices
- Equations:
- Equations:
- Example:
6.7: Partial orders
- A partial order must satisfy three conditions
- Transitive
- Reflexive
- Anti-Symmetric
- Example:
- Partial orders are similar to <= in the sense that certain elements can be “less than” another element by being the the tail of an edge
- Two elements are comparable if they have an edge between them and incomparable if not
- To represent the relation, a ⪯ b is used instead of aRb (note the curved part of the < sign)
- A partial order is a total order if all elements are comparable with each other
- A minimal element is one with no elements pointing into it, while a maximal element is one with no edges pointing out of it
- A Hasse diagram represents a partial order on a finite domain
- Drawn by putting lower elements below higher ones
- Example:
6.8: Strict orders and directed acyclic graphs
- A strict order is similar to a partial order, must satisfy two conditions
- Transitive
- Anti-Reflexive
- Based on the above two properties, a strict order is also anti-symmetric
- Strict orders are analagous to < because you cannot be “equal” to yourself (anti-reflexive)
- Strict orders are closely related to directed acyclic graphs (DAG) which are directed graphs with no cycles
- A directed graph, G, has no cycles if and only if G+ is a strict order
- A topological sort is taken by starting with the minimal element(s), putting them into a list, and then removing them from the graph to get the new minimal element(s)
6.9: Equivalence relations
- An equivalence relation (represented by a ~) must satisfy three conditions
- Transitive
- Reflexive
- Symmetric
- Example:
- An equivalence class is a subset of the domain that that contains a certain kind of element
- Represented by [a] where a represents the properties of that class
- Example:
- Two different equivalence classes can either be identical or completely disjoint
- A partition of set A is a set of non-empty subsets of A that are pairwise disjoint and whose union is A
- The union of all equivalence classes will create a partition
6.10: N-ary relations and relational databases
- An n-ary relation is a relation on multiple sets A1, A2, … , An which is a subset of A1 x A2 x … x An
- A database is a collection of records, and the relational database model stores data records as relations
- The type of data stored in each entry of the record, represented by an n-tuple, is called an attribute
- A query to a database requests for a particular set of data
- A key is one or more attributes that uniquely identifies each n-tuple in the database
Selection chooses n-tuples based on their attributes
- Examples:
- Examples:
Projection removes all attributes that are not specified in the projection
- Example:
- Example: