ICS 6B Sections 1.6-1.11
ICS 6B Reading Notes
- 1.6: Predicates and quantifiers
- 1.7: Quantified statements
- 1.8: De Morgan’s law for quantified statements
- 1.9: Nested quantifiers
- 1.10: More nested quantified statements
- 1.11: Logical reasoning
1.6: Predicates and quantifiers
Predicate: A statement whose truth value depends on one or more variables, even if the outcome is predetermined
- Represented as a function; “P of x”
- Ex: “x is an even number” would be true if x = 4, but not if x = 5
Domain: All of the possible values of x for a predicate
- “x is an even number” would have a domain of all natural numbers
- If not apparent from context, should be defined in the predicate
- Predicates do not have to be strictly mathematical; general statements can be turned into predicates as well
Universal quantifier: A way to turn a predicate into a proposition; denoted by ∀ which reads as “for all”
- ∀x P(x) reads as “for every x, P(x)” and is a proposition that only returns true if every x in the domain is true
- ∀x P(x) is a universally quantified statement
- ∀x P(x) is a universally quantified statement
Proof showing that a universally quantified statement is true:
- Counterexample: An element in the domain of a universally quantified statement that is false; used to prove that a statement is false
- ∀x P(x) reads as “for every x, P(x)” and is a proposition that only returns true if every x in the domain is true
Existensial equantifier: A way to turn a predicate into a proposition; denoted by ∃ which reads as “there exists”
- ∃x P(x) reads as “there exists an x, such that P(x)” and is a proposition that returns true if any x in the domain is true
- ∃x P(x) is an existentially quantified statement
- Example: An element in the domain of a existentially quantified statement that is true; used to prove that a statement is true
- Proof showing that an existentially quantified statement is false:
- ∃x P(x) reads as “there exists an x, such that P(x)” and is a proposition that returns true if any x in the domain is true
1.7: Quantified statements
- Can combine quantifiers and logical expressions to create quantified statements
- Example: Let P(x) = x is prime and O(x) = x is odd; ∃x (P(x) ∧ ¬O(x)) states that there exists a positive number that is prime and not odd
- A free variable is defined as a variable that can be any value in the domain, while a bound variable is defined as a variable that is bound to a quantifier
- x in P(x) is a free variable, while x in ∃x P(x) is a bound variable
- A statement is a proposition if it contains no free variables
- Can express quantified statements in English
- Let P(x) = x came to the party and S(x) = x was sick
- ∃x (S(x) ∨ P(x)) is true because Joe satisfies the proposition: S(Joe) ∨ P(Joe) == True
Name | S(x) | P(x) |
Joe | F | T |
Theodore | T | F |
Gertrude | F | T |
Samuel | F | F |
- If there are no values in the domain/set, then a universally quantified statement is vacuously true and a existentially quantified statement is false
1.8: De Morgan’s law for quantified statements
- ¬∀x F(x) can be rewritten as ∃x ¬F(x); AKA ¬∀x F(x) ≡ ∃x ¬F(x)
- Ex: “Not every bird can fly” == “There exists a bird that cannot fly”
- Likewise, ¬∃x F(x) can be rewritten as ∀x ¬F(x); AKA ¬∃x F(x) ≡ ∀x ¬F(x)
- Ex: “There does not exist a bird that can fly” == “Every bird cannot fly”
- When simplifying a quantifier, make sure to use a double negation on it
- Example:
- Example:
1.9: Nested quantifiers
- When there are multiple variables in a predicate, you must use multiple, nested quantifiers
- Examples of nested quantifiers:
- Examples of nested quantifiers:
- Propositions with multiple variables can be thought of as pairs
- Take ∀x ∀y M(x, y); this proposition is false if there is ANY pair of x, y that does not satisfy M(x, y) (including if x and y are the same)
- For ∃x ∃y M(x, y), the proposition is false if ALL pairs of x, y are not true for M(x, y) (also including if x and y are the same)
- If a quantified statement has two quantifiers (one existential (∃) and one universal (∀)), it’s effective to think of the statement as a two player game
- The existential player (variable) tries to make the expression true, while the universal player (variable) tries to make the expression false
- The player (variable) on the left goes first, and the next player (variable) tries their best to succeed in their goal
- Ex: In ∀x ∃y (x + y = 0), x goes first and chooses a random value; y tries its best to set x + y = 0 and is successful because it can always become -x
- DeMorgan’s can be applied to nested quantifiers as well; it switches the signs of the quantifier to its opposite
1.10: More nested quantified statements
- If you want to express ∀x ∀y without including situations where x == y, then you can write the proposition as ∀x ∀y ((x ≠ y) → M(x, y))
- If x == y, then x, y cannot be used as a counter example because it’s not false
- To express uniqueness, you can use a combination of nested quantifiers and conditionals
- You can also move the quantifiers depending on where it is located in the statement
NOTE TO SELF: Challenge activity 1.10.1 is good practice
1.11: Logical reasoning
Argument: A sequence of propsitions (AKA hypotheses) that is followed by a final proposition (AKA conclusion)
- Valid arguments have true conclusions when all hypotheses are true; invalid otherwise
- ∴ symbol denotes “therefore”
Commutative law allows hypotheses to be in any order
- Ex: These two arguments are the same
Proving an arguments validity via truth table:
- You can prove that an argument is invalid by showing an example where the hypotheses are true but the conclusion is not
- An argument’s form is found by replacing propositions with variables
- Ex: “It is raining today. + If it is raining today, I will not ride my bike to school. ∴ I will not ride my bike to school.” can be replaced with “p + (p –> q) ∴ q”
- Forms can be useful because it can invalidate an argument with known truth values
- Ex:
- Ex:
- If an argument does not have an assignment where the hypotheses are true, then the argument is valid
NOTE TO SELF: Challenge activity 1.11.1 is good practice
What is the difference between (x != y) -> and (x != y) ^? Is it because ^ is for existentials and -> is for universals?