• Confucianism is the basis for other schools of thought, such as Taoism and Legalism
    • Emphasizes the golden age and looking back at history to recreate said golden ages
    • Three important relationships: ruler-minister, father-son, husband-wife; one superior and one inferior but both actors had to give something to the other
    • Mencius’ interpretation of Confucianism particularly focused on the reciprocity of the relationships, and if the superior does not behave correctly, then the inferior does not have to either
    • Mencius also softens the idea of hierarchy and proposes more equal relationships such as friend-friend
  • Chinese schools of thoughts are typically polytheistic or vague about the idea of god
    • Allows for blending of different schools of thoughts as opposed to rigidly choosing one religion like in the West
  • Confucianism + Taoism support the idea of the golden age while Legalism focuses on the here and now and pokes fun at the other two
  • Legalism + Taoism disagree with the idea of reading classic literature
  • Confucianism + Legalism support the idea that power should be seen and obvious