Profit Maximization
Econ 105A
Competitive Firms
- Competitive firms are defined as suppliers that can only choose the amount of goods to output/the amount of inputs used
- Such firms cannot change the prices of its inputs nor its outputs; thus, these values are fixed
Profit Maximizing in the Short-Run
- In the short-run, firms have one or more fixed costs; in the long-run, all costs are variable
- Assuming that a firm uses two inputs (with the amount of one of the inputs being fixed), we can write the profit function as follows:
- Maximizing this function means that we must find the local maximum of π with respect to x1
Isoprofit Line
- The isoprofit line is useful in order to find the profit-maximizing plan, as the best plan will lie on the highest isoprofit line
Comparative Static Analysis of Profit Maximization
- Keeping x2 fixed:
- If the price of the output (y) goes up, then the optimal amounts of y and x1 go up as well
- If the price of input 1 goes up, then the slope of the isoprofit line goes up, meaning that the optimal amounts of y and x1 go down
- If the price of input 2 goes up, then the optimal amounts of either inputs are unchanged; the only thing that changes is the y-intercept of the isoprofit line, meaning that the firm simply makes less profit
Long-Run Profit Maximization
- Using the same logic as the short-run, we can find the optimal amount of inputs for any amount of variable inputs
Cobb-Douglas Example
- If a competitive firm’s techonology exhibits decreasing RTS, then there is only one “highest” isoprofit line, meaning that there is one, unique production plan
- If a competitive firm’s technology exhibits increasing RTS, then there are infinitely many highest isoprofit lines, meaning that the firm does NOT have a profit-maximizing plan
- A technology can have increasing RTS in the short-run, but if it is infinitely increasing RTS, then firms would keep getting infinitely bigger, breaking the assumption that the firm is competitive
- If a competitive firm’s technology exhibits constant RTS, then the production function is linear, meaning that the isoprofit line MUST coincide with the production function
- The profit of this isoprofit line has to be 0, as doubling the inputs should lead to a double in your outputs (2 x 0 = 0)
- If the profit of the isoprofit lines was not 0, then you could continue to make more and more profit infinitely, leading to the same conclusion as increasing RTS
- If the slope of the isoprofit line does NOT coincide with the production function, then you can keep taking higher and higher isoprofit lines; thus, they must coincide
Revealed Profitability
Suppose that production bundle (x’, y’) is chosen at (w’, p’). (x’, y’) must therefore be profit-maximizing at (w’, p’).
- Assuming that nothing is known about the production function, all we can do is draw one isoprofit line intersecting (x’, y’)
- The more known points, the more isoprofit lines drawn, and the more is revealed about the technology set
Weak Axiom of Profit Maximization (AKA WAPM)
- Suppose that a production bundle (x’, y’) is chosen at prices (w’, p’) and bundle (x’’, y’’) is chosen at prices (w’’, p’’)
- This means that p’y’ - w’x’ MUST be greater than p’y’’ - w’x’’, as (x’, y’) is the profit maximizing bundle at (w’, p’)
- This observation gives the Weak Axiom of Profit Maximization
- The WAPM also gives observations regarding other fundamentals of economics
- Law of Supply: If the change in w is 0, then ΔpΔy >= 0, meaning that a competitive firm’s output supply curve cannot slope downward
- Both Δp and Δy have to be negative or positive; one can’t be negative while the other is positive
- Law of Demand: If Δp = 0, then ΔwΔx <= 0, implying that a competitive firm’s input demand curve cannot slope upwards
- Δw and Δx have to have opposite signs to be less than zero
- Law of Supply: If the change in w is 0, then ΔpΔy >= 0, meaning that a competitive firm’s output supply curve cannot slope downward