Comparative Static Analysis of Budget Constraints
Econ 105A
Opportunity Cost
Comparative Static Analysis
- Comparative static analysis involves changing one parameter at a time to see how the BC and BS change
Income and Price Changes
- Recall that m represents the consumer’s income
- Increasing m increases the x and y intercepts; thus, the maximum amount of goods for both good 1 and good 2 increase, meaning that budget set grows (represented by change in area) and choice is improved; shifts parallel to the right/outward
- Decreasing m decreases the amount of goods available for purchase, thus shrinking the budget set and reducing choice; shifts graph parallel to the left/inwards
- Note that the slope does not change in either case because the prices are unaffected
- Recall that p1 and p2 represent the prices of goods 1 and 2, respectively
- We will only look at changing the price of one good to keep it simple
- A decrease in p1 increases the amount of good 1 that the consumer can buy, thus enlarging the budget set and improving choice; makes slope of BC more “shallow” (represented by the black graph)
- An increase in p1 decreases the amount of good 1 that the consumer can buy, thus shrinking the budget set and reducing choice; makes slope of BC more “steep” (represented by the green graph)
- These movements can be thought of as “pivots” around the y-intercept, as the amount of good 2 that can be purchased remains the same
Uniform Ad Valorem Sales Tax
- Hypothetically, if all prices are changed in the same fashion (such as when the tax rate is increased on all goods), then the BC is moved in a parallel manner to the left
- This tax policy is known as uniform ad valorem sales tax and is tied to the price of the good
- “Ad valorem” means that the tax is levied in proportion to the value; i.e. tax is levied at 5% instead of $10
- This tax policy is known as uniform ad valorem sales tax and is tied to the price of the good
- A uniform ad valorem sales tax is therefore equivalent to an income tax
Real World Applications: Food Stamp Program
- Food stamps are coupons that only allow you to buy one good (food)
- The question: how does a commodity-specific gift (such as a food stamp) change a family’s budget constraint and affect their decision making?
- Suppose that m = 100, pF = 1, and pG = 1 where pF represents the price of food and pG represents the price of all other goods
- The budget constraint is defined as pFxF + pGxG = 100
- Suppose that 40 food stamps are issued to the family
- The new budget constraint is pF(xF + 40) + pGxG = 100
- The budget thus “increases”, but you cannot utilize the entire budget increase